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Humanities II - Christendom

For the 2024-2025 academic year, our studies will focus on Christendom.


In addition to the books listed below, students will need:

  • Two blank 100-page college-ruled sewn composition books

  • 1” 3-ring Humanities binder (or a section in a binder used for multiple courses)

Cottage Press

Students may continue using their current copy of the Book of Centuries. Each family will need at least one copy of Poetry Reader II to read through each week's poem together during the week. Some families may prefer to buy a copy for each of their students to read along in while Mom or a sibling is reading the poem aloud. Providence Prep will order Cottage Press books together for a group discount.


Students will need their own printed copy of each of the following books and one history atlas per family. The same atlas is also used in Humanities I. 


Families will need access to Dr George Grant's Christendom lectures.Currently, there are technical issues with their website. 
We will inform you when it has been resolved.

Optional assignments in architecture will be given, with readings from this book:

Literature Books:
Students will need their own printed copy of each of the following books. 

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There is one selection that will be assigned from this English Literature book. You have three options for obtaining it: